Vänstergolfdagarna 2025 arrangeras mellan 29 juni -1 juli på Lydinge Resort

Förslag till dagordning – årsmöte 2024

Den 1 juli kommer vi att hålla vårt årsmöte på Landeryds GK så därför lägger vi ut förslag till dagordning på vår Facebook-grupp NALG SWEDEN.

Du som ännu inte anmält dej till vår tävling på Landeryds GK 30 juni-2 juli – hög tid att göra detta nu !

Info om kommande vänster-VM i Vietnam 2024

Har fått nedanstående mail från ordföranden i det australienska vänstergolfförbundet som kompletterande information till er som planerar att åka till Vietnam i april 2024:


Dear Mats,

I trust this email finds you well.

Just a reminder of next year’s World Left Handed Golf Championship in DaNang Vietnam.

I played the courses earlier this year and they are amongst the best courses I have played in the world. Vietnam is a great place to visit and the golf experience is amazing.

We have arranged a fantastic tournament with lots of surprises provided by our tour organiser and look forward to growing the 120 entries we have received to date.

Due to requests we have now included an option for players to book their own accomodation at hotels of their choice.

The official hotels are being held until 1 October 2023 and then rooms will need to be released.

We look forward to your members’ attendance and encourage them to take advantage of the opportunity to explore Vietnam before or after the event.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

All the best

John Longmire
President NALGA ACT Australia
(Co-ordinator 28th WALG World Championships)
+61 41 220 5380

Below is a link you can send to your members:
The 2024 World Lefthanded Golf Championship (apttgolf.com)

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