Vänstergolfdagarna 2025 arrangeras mellan 29 juni -1 juli på Lydinge Resort
Resultat från Vänstergolfdagarna 2022
Nu är resultat och bilder från Vänstergolfdagarna 2022 på Sand GC upplagda under fliken TÄVLINGAR/TÄVLINGSRESULTAT.
Förslag till dagordning – årsmöte 2022
Den 4 juli kommer vi att hålla vårt årsmöte på Sand GC så därför lägger vi nu ut förslag till dagordning.
Förslag till dagordning – NALG 2022
Du som ännu inte anmält dej till vår tävling på Sand GC 3-5 juli – hög tid att göra detta nu !
VM i Frankrike
Hej alla vänstergolfare !
Fick nedanstående mail från NALG France häromdagen. Bara en liten uppdatering av läget i Frankrike. Notera att anmälan kommer att vara öppen tills i slutet av maj:
To all recipients,
Dear lefty delegates,
At the beginning of this spring in France, I wanted to send you this message to assure you that the organization of the World Championship next August in Paris is going well.
I can feel some apprehension on the part of some delegations to travel, and therefore to register quickly.
I can feel some apprehension on the part of some delegations to travel, and therefore to register quickly.
I would like to reassure you about the conditions related to COVID in France: we no longer have mandatory masks, nor vaccination requirements, neither in restaurants nor on golf courses.
The current conflict in Ukraine, although very sad and worrying, should not prevent us from continuing to live and share. This situation is geographically far from Paris.
We are doing everything possible since 2020 to organize this event, your confidence to participate would be our greatest thanks. I hope that each delegation will be represented, that everyone will be able to travel without any problem and enjoy the 4 magnificent routes planned as well as the most beautiful city in the world!
We are waiting for you, the registrations are still available until the end of May.
We are doing everything possible since 2020 to organize this event, your confidence to participate would be our greatest thanks. I hope that each delegation will be represented, that everyone will be able to travel without any problem and enjoy the 4 magnificent routes planned as well as the most beautiful city in the world!
We are waiting for you, the registrations are still available until the end of May.
Dominique LACAN
NALG France